a man struggling with depression and alcoholism

Depression and Alcoholism

It’s daunting to tackle a dual diagnosis, like depression and alcoholism. Depression can influence alcoholism negatively, and vice versa. The following article will examine the link between depression and alcoholism, and how you or a loved one can get help. Dual Diagnosis A dual diagnosis means diagnosing both a mental health problem and an addiction,…

a young person unaware of drinking and the brain

Underage Drinking and the Brain

Many parents worry about underage drinking, and rightly so. A young adult’s brain is still developing, and alcohol can be more dangerous to a teenager than an adult. The following article will look at drinking and the brain, and the impact underage drinking has on mental health. Drinking and the Brain Young people who start…

a man trying to help his friend figure out how to start helping an alcoholic

Ways to Start Helping an Alcoholic

An alcoholic is a person who has developed a psychological and physical dependence on alcohol. This dependence negatively affects their professional and personal relationships, ultimately adversely affecting their lives and even health. It can be difficult watching a friend or a loved one suffer from alcoholism. Though it is entirely up to the person’s willingness…

a man blowing into a breathalyzer before learning about the consequences of drunk driving

Consequences of Drunk Driving

For you to drive safely, you need to be completely aware in case a need to make quick decisions while on the road arises. As such, driving under the influence could prove fatal. Driving while under the influence has significantly contributed to a ton of road accidents. Unfortunately, many people continue to get behind the…

a mother and sun wondering is alcoholism genetic

Is Alcoholism Genetic?

Genetics plays an essential role in influencing a person’s behavior and physical appearance. One of the traits that children inherit from their parents is the tendency to abuse alcohol. Moreover, being relatives with an alcoholic increases the chances of developing an addiction. Learning more about alcoholism from Oceanfront Recovery can help answer the question, “Is…