conference room with open doors

What is Addiction vs. Dependence?

The difference between addiction and dependence can be difficult to understand. Some organizations have different definitions and may even abandon these terms because ‘substance use disorder’ is being used more frequently. However the terms are used, addiction and dependence are key terms in understanding how a person comes to struggle with substance use. Addiction Addiction…

houses on the hill at Laguna Beach

What Does Detox Feel Like?

Rehab is intense. Leaving a routine is hard, even if just for a few months to get straight again. Addressing complex and difficult issues related to addiction make it hard to focus and heal unless the person is ready in mind, body, and spirit. Detox can be the hardest part of the process but once…

shops along the road at Laguna Beach

What is Histrionic Personality Disorder?

Histrionic personality disorder (HPD) is part of a larger group of psychological disorders, called ‘Cluster B,’ personality disorders. These disorders are usually dramatic, emotional, or erratic in nature. People with HPD have a distorted mental image of the self, which is often based in self-esteem that comes from needing others’ approval. HPD can see people…