Shifting Perspective in Sobriety

The way that we react to the situations life presents to us depend entirely on our perspective. If we are pessimistic, a situation will seem much worse than it is. If we approach our day with a sense of optimism, however, the opposite is true. As a result of the suffering and hardships we have…

Finding Courage in Sobriety

Many of us develop routines in our recovery that keep us feeling safe and protected from anything that could potentially put our sobriety at risk. While these habits are wonderful for us, we can’t allow our lives to be controlled by such strict adherence to routine. There is an entire beautiful world out there, and…

What are Coping Skills?

Coping skills are the behavior patterns we exhibit when faced with problems. For most people suffering from the disease of addiction, their only way of coping with external stressors was by using drugs or alcohol. In sobriety, however, it is imperative that we develop healthy mechanisms and behaviors to handle these stressors. Anxiety and fear…

What Does Alcoholism Look Like?

Alcoholism is a complex disease that encompasses the mind, body, and spirit. It affects every aspect of our life and those around us, damaging our relationships and well-being at every level. Acceptance of the disease is difficult, and many people believe that, although their lives are no longer manageable as a result of their drinking,…

What is Psychological Dependence?

Not all drugs create physical dependence and subsequent withdrawal symptoms. Marijuana and many psychedelics and hallucinogens, for example, do not cause a user to go into a state of withdrawal when discontinued, but still carry the potential for addiction. A person addicted to drugs that do not create physical dependence is still at just as…

What is “Euphoric Recall”?

Euphoric recall is the tendency for a person recovery to look back at their past drug or alcohol abuse in a positive light, often reexperiencing the feelings of the past situation. During euphoric recall, a person will only remember the euphoria associated with their drug or alcohol abuse without remembering the suffering and pain of…

Why Do We Help Others in Recovery?

In recovery communities, particularly 12-Step fellowships, there is an emphasis on helping those new to recovery go through the process of achieving and maintaining sobriety. The concept of helping others as a means of maintaining one’s own sobriety comes from the collective experience of many men and women in recovery. Alcoholics Anonymous was the first…