a man drinking at work not thinking about addiction in the workplace

How Prevalent Is Addiction In The Workplace?

More than 22 million people in America are struggling with drug and alcohol addiction. Less than ten percent of those people will seek addiction treatment programs they need to recover. 70% of them, however, will continue to maintain employment as their addiction issues worsen. Functioning addiction and alcoholism is sustainable for a matter of time-…

a man laying back wondering about the purpose of transitional living

What Is The Purpose Of Transitional Care/Transitional Living?

When you complete your time at an addiction recovery program, it is not uncommon for people to be unsure of where they will end up next. Many people risk returning home to an environment that puts them at high risk for a relapse. A common next step after completing rehab is to enter into transitional…

a doctor getting ready to explain what do you learn in intensive outpatient treatment

What Do You Learn In Intensive Outpatient?

It can be hard for some people to put their lives on hold to get addiction treatment. Many people need to balance their treatment with their career, family, or education, making residential treatment an unrealistic option. Thankfully, most rehab facilities will offer outpatient programs. Outpatient programs do not require patients to stay on campus, meaning…

a man talking to his doctor about benefits of dialectical behavior therapy

Who Benefits From Dialectical Behavioral Therapy?

Medical professionals utilize a number of psychotherapy methods to help people overcome addiction and many other mental health disorders. As time moves on and medicine improves, different treatment methods become more and more common. Many people participate in cognitive-behavioral therapy, but not everyone is aware of the benefits of dialectical behavior therapy. When looking for…

a person explaining to their friend inpatient vs outpatient rehab

Inpatient vs Outpatient Rehab – How to Decide

Finding a rehab program means choosing a therapy method that works for you and deciding whether you want to attend an inpatient or outpatient program. While there are pros and cons to each option, most people should choose inpatient or outpatient rehab based on personal factors, the extent of their substance abuse problems, and the…

a woman practicing making habits into goals for recovery

Making Habits into Goals for Recovery

A bad habit is a hard thing to break. Habits are deep, complex relationships and associations in the brain. If habits were simple relationships they would be easier to become aware of, stop, and change. In many ways, drug and alcohol addiction is a habit. A part learning process, part compulsion, part memory, the routines…