Addiction recovery is possible when you choose to seek help. At Oceanfront Recovery in Laguna Beach, California, we offer a range of services to get you back on the right track. Whether you need detox because you are actively abusing substances or looking for a short-term rehabilitation program, we will match you with the right program for you. While in treatment, you will learn about and experience the benefits of group therapy. You will get to know peers who are in recovery, and you get the opportunity to build your support network right away.
Four Benefits of Group Therapy
There are several benefits to group therapy that you will discover when you are in addiction treatment. While you may be nervous, you will soon realize that it is a safe space for you to share what is going on in your life. Everyone in the program deals with addiction and has stories they need to tell to heal. The four main benefits of group therapy include:
- Realizing your past is not as bad as you thought it was
- Meeting new people who become part of your support team
- Learning from your peers who tend to understand you better
- Getting to know a group facilitator that will keep the conversation on track
Group therapy allows you to talk in a safe, supportive environment. For many people dealing with an addiction, hiding the addiction becomes a habit that is hard to break. When you are in a group therapy session, you will hear stories from other members who hope. You will realize that you are not alone in this process, and you can heal from your addiction with the right support in place.
How to Participate in Group Therapy Sessions
Like most things, what you get out of group therapy is what you put into it. When you don’t pay attention or don’t say anything, you don’t become a true group member. Nervousness is common, and you don’t have to start off sharing your whole story. Try to introduce yourself, and pay attention to others when they are speaking. As you get to know people in the group and how they function, you will feel more comfortable sharing. When you are in a therapy session, consider the following:
- Listen when other people are speaking and don’t interrupt
- Remember that everyone is sharing their truth, even if you disagree with them
- Try to let go of your reservations and share
- Take your turn and let people in the group get to know you better
- Find the support you need from others in the group
Your group facilitator will talk to the group about what the expectations are before the session starts. If you have questions about the process, don’t be afraid to ask. The facilitator is there to make sure the group stays on topic and mediates any problems between people. There might be a specific topic you are discussing for the day, or you might have a day where everyone shares an experience. Pay attention to what your peers are saying, try to participate as much as possible.
Learn the Benefits of Group Therapy Now
If you are ready to make a change in your life and learn about the benefits of group therapy, it’s time to contact Oceanfront Recovery at (877) 296-7477. We provide treatment services for those who need addiction therapy and ready to make positive changes in their lives. You can stop abusing substances and go on to live a happy, healthy life. Healing and recovery are possible with the right support and treatment program. Get the help you deserve and take your life back from addiction today.