How Deadly is a Heroin Overdose?

Heroin overdose rates have skyrocketed in the past few years. With the introduction of powerful synthetic opioid like fentanyl, overdoses have become much more common and much deadlier than they were in the past. Overdoses require prompt medical attention and the use of medications like Narcan to reverse the effects, but even immediate treatment may…

The Loneliness of Addiction

Loneliness and isolation are so common among men and women suffering from addiction that they could be considered prerequisites for substance abuse. Drugs and alcohol become a substitute for the social interaction and approval that we crave, but ultimately exacerbate our feelings of loneliness and tendencies to isolate from others. Even in sobriety, loneliness can…

The Controversy Over Opioid Maintenance Medications

Arguments abound over whether drugs like suboxone and methadone are more effective in treating addiction that abstinence-based treatment and recovery programs. The controversy, it seems, revolves around two factors: mortality rates and quality of life. The medical community recognizes that opioid maintenance medications reduce the risk of death in opioid-dependent users, while abstinence-based treatment recognizes…