Geeking - man with a cocaine addiction

What Is Geeking?

Understanding the Risks of Crack Cocaine Binges What is Geeking? Geeking is a term describing compulsive crack cocaine use in rapid succession, often spanning hours or days. This binge-like behavior stems from the drug’s highly addictive effects, leading users to repeatedly consume it without regard for severe physical or psychological risks. Originally slang in drug-using…

Person holds hands with loved one on table as they discuss how to beat marijuana addiction

How to Help Your Loved One Beat Marijuana Addiction

Marijuana use has grown increasingly accepted in American culture. Both socially and legally, there has been a shift towards accepting recreational marijuana use, evidenced by the legalization of it in many states. Regardless of someone’s political inclinations, something that is often left out of discussions about marijuana is the concept of addiction. It’s often missing…

Man sits on chair and ponders quitting his cocaine addiction

3 Ways to Quit Cocaine Addiction & Get Help

Cocaine is an addictive, illegal stimulant that produces a feeling of euphoria. It is addictive and destructive. Cocaine addiction involves many physical and psychological ailments and is challenging to overcome. Nonetheless, by getting cocaine addiction help, anyone can recover and rediscover a sober, productive life. Learn more about cocaine addiction treatment in California by calling…