a person being comforted at a 12 Step Program

What Is The 12 Step Program

Created by the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous, the 12 step program is arguably one of the oldest and well-known treatment programs today. Established as guidelines that were determined to be successful enough in their infancy so that other support groups dedicated to those with substance use disorder adopted them. The Basics Of The 12 Step Program Many people…

a doctor trying to Define Psychotherapy

How to Define Psychotherapy

Counseling has been around for a while, and there are many different types. When treating issues that involve the mind and body, you can take a mind-based approach, a medical-based approach, or a combination of both. Psychiatrists, for example, can prescribe medicine and often do in conjunction with any therapy they provide their patients. Psychotherapy…

a person thinking about Recovery From Addiction

How to Improve Your Recovery From Addiction

Drug addiction can take over your life and make it a scary and frightening situation. Rehab can help you beat this substance abuse but often requires a little help to master. Thankfully, you can enhance your recovery from addiction in many ways. The following steps all make it possible to walk away from addiction for…

a person wondering about Klonopin Side Effects

You Can Recover From Klonopin Side Effects

If you’re facing addiction issues and Klonopin side effects, we want you to know that you’re not alone. There are many people who struggle with addiction to medications like Klonopin. These types of drugs are so frequently prescribed that it can be all too easy for them to become a concern. If you find that…

a man needing Drug Addiction Treatment

Drug Addiction Treatment

Are you at a point in your life where you want to recover from drug addiction? The staff at Oceanfront Recovery in Laguna Beach, California are here to help you. Below is more information about drug addiction treatment. What is a Drug Addiction? If you are seeking treatment for drug addiction, you have made a very important…

What painkillers are most addictive? Read to learn about the most addictive painkillers.

What Painkillers Are Most Addictive

Hospitals and physicians typically do their best to provide the most optimal pain management solutions for patients. However, the potency of some painkillers causes some patients to develop an addiction. If you find yourself addicted to prescription medication, our prescription drug addiction treatment center in Laguna Beach Ca, provides a comprehensive addiction treatment needed to…

synthetic opiates

Synthetic Opiates

Oceanfront Recovery offers treatment for synthetic opiates and other substance use disorders. If you are looking for help with your recovery, consider checking out our opiate addiction treatment center in Laguna Beach, CA. Learn more about synthetic opiates, how it compares to other opioids. What Are Synthetic Opiates? Synthetic opioids provide pain relief in the same way…