a woman looking out the window for motivation in recovery

Maintaining Motivation in Recovery

During the early stages of recovery, most people are highly motivated to stay sober. However, maintaining sobriety is a psychologically and physically demanding endeavor. Sustaining your motivation is key to staying committed to your recovery. However, as time passes, your motivation levels could quickly decrease, ultimately increasing the chances of relapse. This post offers you…

a man looking out the window wondering What Does Evidenced-Based Practice Mean for Treatment?

What Does Evidenced-Based Practice Mean?

When undergoing addiction treatment, your doctor will likely provide a number of different ways you can go about treatment. Often times they will offer holistic therapies and treatment. But they will typically suggest going with evidence-based practices. Utilizing evidence-based treatment for addiction is an approach that is gaining popularity. Evidence-Based Practice, also known as EBP,…

a woman relaxing in a field as she is living life to the fullest in recovery

Living Life to the Fullest in Recovery

As you begin to thrive in recovery, a whole new world is unfolding before you. Living life to the fullest is now a reality, instead of a gift only bestowed on “other people.” Your future is now. It’s important that you celebrate your successes and your milestones in recovery. You’ve begun to make deep connections…

a man laying back wondering about the purpose of transitional living

What Is The Purpose Of Transitional Care/Transitional Living?

When you complete your time at an addiction recovery program, it is not uncommon for people to be unsure of where they will end up next. Many people risk returning home to an environment that puts them at high risk for a relapse. A common next step after completing rehab is to enter into transitional…