seasonal affective disorder

Does Good Weather Really Improve Mood?

Weather is a powerful force of nature that humans have spent thousands of years trying to understand through passive observations, eventually leading to the development of modern weather technology. Understanding weather patterns is critical for obvious reasons, including food production, catastrophic storms, and climate changes. This omnipresent force may also influence something less obvious: your…

managing anxiety

How Can Anxiety Disorder Be Managed?

Anxiety. Just thinking about the all-too-familiar experience can itself be anxiety-provoking. If you suffer from an anxiety disorder, then you probably know how it can pop up at the most inconvenient times. Anxiety is more than just a passing bout of fear or stress that you can typically work through and still engage in work…


Is Depression Really a Chemical Imbalance?

Everyone feels sad or down from time to time, but depression is an entirely different ballgame. Depression, also known as major depressive disorder or clinical depression, can be dark and lonesome for people who experience the disorder. It can feel like endless sadness, discontentedness, and hopelessness. Like a slug, hauling its sticky and slow body…