
Is Depression Really a Chemical Imbalance?

Everyone feels sad or down from time to time, but depression is an entirely different ballgame. Depression, also known as major depressive disorder or clinical depression, can be dark and lonesome for people who experience the disorder. It can feel like endless sadness, discontentedness, and hopelessness. Like a slug, hauling its sticky and slow body…


What Else Is There to Know About PTSD?

Post-traumatic stress disorder is not a new condition to humanity. In fact, the symptoms of PTSD have been recorded for quite some time now. The earliest records were found on cuneiform tablets that date back approximately three thousand years ago during the Assyrian dynasty (1300-609 BC) in ancient Mesopotamia. Today, this area is known as Iraq.…

globe with stethoscope wrapped around representing world health day

Observing World Health Day

World Health Day recognizes a different health issue every year. Topics include physical and mental health issues such as depression, addiction, cancer, and other global issues. Each year the World Health Organization announces a different theme that usually encompasses several issues under one canvas. In 2021, the theme is “Building a healthier, fairer world.” At…