
Is a Healthy Gut Good For Mental Health?

When you think about your gut health, you might be thinking about what’s going on in your stomach. However, the ‘gut’ actually represents the interactions of the entire digestive system, including the mouth, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, small intestine, colon, and rectum. The gastrointestinal tract is a thirty-foot-long muscular tube that transports food from your…

parent's addiction

Could My Parent’s Addiction Have Affected Me?

Most researchers and theoreticians consider the family as a fundamental unit of society and the building block of our communities. The home is the primary place where a child learns what normal and healthy behavior looks like. However, it can also be the first place where a growing child may learn detrimental behaviors from a mom…

relapse prevention

How Can Relapse Be Avoided?

For those suffering from a substance use disorder, the threat of relapse can feel omnipresent. Family and friends may worry that one wrong move will spell the end of their loved one’s sobriety. Relapse can hurt everyone involved and cause meaningful, long-term relationships to fall by the wayside. The tug of alcohol or drugs on…

heroin addiction

Why Is Heroin so Infamous?

Heroin is a highly addictive drug with a long and rich history of narcotic and pain-relieving effects. Heroin is produced from morphine, which is an organic compound itself derived from opium, a latex substance that leaks from the poppy seedpod when damaged. Opium has been used in its original state for thousands of years. Evidence dates…


Is Depression Really a Chemical Imbalance?

Everyone feels sad or down from time to time, but depression is an entirely different ballgame. Depression, also known as major depressive disorder or clinical depression, can be dark and lonesome for people who experience the disorder. It can feel like endless sadness, discontentedness, and hopelessness. Like a slug, hauling its sticky and slow body…