man emotional during talk therapy to support recovery

How Talk Therapy Works to Support Recovery

Psychiatrists evaluate people with diagnoses to support a treatment plan for recovery. They may need to carefully monitor their detox and rehab journey to ensure there are no contradictions with other medications and the side effects are tolerable. Talk therapy can happen with a psychiatrist or a psychologist, individually, or in a group setting. Just…

recovered man enjoying a day at the park with his wife and children

What is Life in Recovery Really Like?

 Rehabilitation can be a difficult thing for people to admit they need in support of recovering from addiction. Asking for help is not easy for many people, especially those who struggle with substance abuse issues. Going to rehab can be intense because of past experiences that inform the current decision, or it is a new…

man having difficulty with self forgiveness to heal during therapy at Oceanfront Recovery

Why is Self Forgiveness Healing?

There are many emotions that run through a person’s head and body while they are in rehab and recovery. Early on, one of the key components is looking at forgiveness. It is important to learn how to forgive yourself before you can really start to seek forgiveness of others. This may be one of the…