Holidays like Thanksgiving are some of the most challenging times for people living with alcohol addiction. Alcohol is everywhere, and the holidays are often painful too. Learning how to manage recovery during the Holidays is key to maintaining sobriety. Individuals can make enjoying a sober Thanksgiving easy by following some simple guidelines.
How to Enjoy a Sober Thanksgiving
It can seem impossible to get through the holidays without having a drink, especially if everyone around you is drinking. Fortunately, though, there are some excellent ways to manage the holiday period and stay sober. For instance, some great ideas include:
- Focus on family and friends
- Keep a gratitude journal
- Start a meditation or yoga routine
- Try a new hobby that occupies the mind and the hands, like knitting
- Enjoy cooking, baking, and eating
- Check into a residential center
It will help to remind yourself what Thanksgiving is all about. It’s about gratitude and the people you love. Keeping a gratitude journal has many benefits, including improved sleep, reduced aggression, and improved self-esteem.
You can also focus on the people who mean the most to you, even if that’s not who you spend the holidays with. For instance, write a letter to a friend instead of reaching for a drink. Remind yourself of the great things about life that aren’t drinking, such as taking your children to a ballgame.
Occupying yourself with enjoyable tasks like food preparation or yoga can also help to maintain your sobriety. In other words, focus on the food this year, and enjoy a sober Thanksgiving.
Sober Living
The phrase ‘sober living’ applies to a life without alcohol, as well as sober living houses. Sober living homes are residential aftercare programs, designed to help someone living with alcoholism to make steps towards returning to everyday life. In other words, they are small groups of people, all recovering from alcoholism, sharing a house.
These sober living houses help to mitigate relapse and encourage independence and healthy lifestyles. There is a focus on assisting residents towards calm, sober relationships and a steady job to support themselves. Many people suffering from alcoholism struggle to keep a job, and sober living houses can be vital.
To maintain a sober lifestyle, it’s crucial to understand the triggers that apply to the individual. Keeping a diary can help someone living with alcohol abuse to identify the triggers that could lead to relapse. Once identified, it becomes a case of managing those triggers in a healthier way than drinking.
Understanding how Post-Acute Withdrawal Symptoms (PAWS) presents in the person suffering from alcoholism is also essential to recovery.
Other ways to manage sober living include following a routine, celebrating milestones, and practicing healthy living. Knowing the warning signs of relapse is also crucial.
Oceanfront Recovery Center
The serene waters of the Pacific ocean lie just two blocks away from Oceanfront Recovery Center. Our comfortable and stylish facilities rely on up-to-date technology and are staffed by friendly professionals. We offer a wide range of treatment programs and can accommodate a dual diagnosis. Some of the treatment programs we offer include:
- ADHD treatment program
- Depression treatment program
- Dual diagnosis treatment program
- Alcohol addiction treatment center
- Meth addiction treatment center
Our intakes team are happy to discuss the admissions process with you, including finance options. Oceanfront Recovery Center accepts most insurance policies. Oceanfront Recovery Center believes in treating every patient with compassion and determination. We offer traditional treatment as well as holistic therapies, such as yoga and equine therapy.
Nevertheless, the holidays are a challenging time for those recovering from alcohol abuse. If you or a loved one are concerned about enjoying a sober Thanksgiving, call Oceanfront Recovery Center at (877) 296-7477.