We used drugs and alcohol as a way of coping with the discomfort of the outside world. Rarely could we enter into any social situation without being under the influence of substances. We felt safe and protected in a cloud of intoxication. Eventually, however, we found ourselves isolating and entirely unable to face the outside world as a result of our addiction and alcoholism. Recovery is a time for us to get outside of the comfort zone we created and put ourselves in new situations that, although uncomfortable at the moment, aid us in our spiritual growth and personal development.
Has your addiction taken over your life and you want it back? Call Oceanfront Recovery for help today at 877.296.7477.
Getting Beyond the Comfort Zone of Addiction
Neale Donald Walsch, the author of Conversations with God, once said, “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” As men and women suffering from the disease of addiction, our lives we controlled by fear. As a result of our fears, we could not face life successfully. Instead, we found comfort in a haze of intoxication and relied on substances to keep us from having to face the world. Our quality of life suffered to the point where we were no longer actively engaging with anything around us.
Recovery is a time to change our ways of thinking about our situation, and begin putting ourselves into the kinds of situations that we were actively avoiding when we were slaves to our addictions. Through recovery programs, we engage in a process of thorough self-examination and attempt to correct the harms we have caused in our past. We gain an understanding of why we are so afraid of facing the world without the crutch of drugs and alcohol.
According to the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, through this process, “The feeling of uselessness and self-pity will disappear. We will lose interest in selfish things and gain interest in our fellows. Self-seeking will slip away. Our whole attitude and outlook upon life will change. Fear of people and of economic insecurity will leave us. We will intuitively know how to handle situations which used to baffle us.” Certainly, will we still face many frightening situations, but through our recovery program we have developed new coping skills and a new sense of faith that we will be able to successfully handle any situation that comes our way without relying on substances.
Why Do You Need Addiction Treatment?
Addiction treatment can help you address the root cause of your addiction, identify potential triggers, and learn healthy coping skills. It can also provide a safe environment to detoxify from drugs or alcohol, enabling you to make a lasting recovery. Treatment offers medical supervision and support so you can maintain sobriety while learning healthier habits and behaviors. In addition, therapy can help you address emotional or mental issues that may be underlying your addiction. With the right treatment plan, you can overcome your addiction and create a healthier future for yourself.
It’s important to remember that recovery is a long-term process—and having access to ongoing support is essential for lasting sobriety. Addiction treatment can provide you with the tools and resources to stay sober for life. It is also important to have a strong support system of family, friends, and peers who understand your situation and can help motivate you toward recovery. With the right help, you can create a healthier, happier future.
Get the Help You Need From Oceanfront Recovery
The false comfort of intoxication doesn’t have to be a part of your story any longer. You can overcome your fears by seeking help now for addiction and alcoholism. Oceanfront Recovery, a treatment center in beautiful Laguna Beach, offers the opportunity to achieve sobriety in a serene and peaceful beachfront environment. For more information about treatment options, please call today at 877.296.7477.