The first thirty days of sobriety can be the most difficult. We are in a position where we want to overcome alcohol and drug addiction but have yet to develop the coping skills and engagement with a recovery program necessary to live happily, joyously, and freely in our sobriety. The first thirty days of sobriety should be a time when we are focused solely on our recovery, taking suggestions from those who have successfully achieved long-term sobriety, and getting involved with the recovery community. The first and most obvious suggestion during the first thirty days of sobriety is to not use drugs or drink no matter what. It will be tempting, of course, because we have yet to experience all the gifts of sobriety. Maintaining sobriety can be difficult during the first thirty days. Many people feel that they will be alright if they simply switch to another substance. For example, a recovering heroin user may believe that marijuana will not be harmful. Experience shows that using any mind or mood-altering substance will ultimately lead back to addiction. In order to keep ourselves from using substances, it is a good idea to get involved in the recovery community. This may mean attending meetings, getting a sponsor if we are in 12-step recovery, and getting phone numbers of other members. They will often be more than happy to discuss our difficulties with us and guide us through any problems we may face without relying on substances. Cocaine Anonymous, in their informational pamphlet The First 30 Days, suggest: “Get phone numbers from other C.A. members and call them between meetings. A vital part of our recovery process is building a support network of sober friends. Reaching out to others can make all the difference in maintaining our sobriety. If no one on your phone list is available, call your local C.A. helpline” There is also the suggestion of “90 in 90.” This means that for the first ninety days of our sobriety, we attend a meeting each day. Meetings alone will not keep us sober but attending one every day will help us get involved with the community, create the healthy habit of attending meetings, and will make us more likely to start the work of our recovery program quickly. Although difficult, the first thirty days are the crucial foundation for our recovery. If we use our time wisely, we will be setting ourselves up for a happy and joyous life in sobriety.
Your story can become on of courage and redemption in sobriety. You can make the decision to seek help now and embark upon the rewarding journey of recovery. Oceanfront Recovery, a treatment facility in beautiful Laguna Beach, is staffed with caring and compassionate professionals dedicated to helping clients develop all the tools necessary to achieve and maintain a fulfilling life without drugs and alcohol. For information about individualized treatment options, please call today: (877) 279-1777