a woman tired at work signs of xanax addiction

Signs of Xanax Addiction

Understanding the signs of Xanax addiction requires understanding why it is prescribed, and the powerful risk of Xanax abuse. People with a Xanax addiction need to know how to choose an ideal treatment program to help with their specific addiction treatment needs. The experienced team of specialists at Oceanfront Recovery understands the signs of Xanax addiction, and how to…

a woman talking to her doctor about Co-Ed Professionals Program

Co-Ed Professionals Program

Substance use disorders and mental illness affect people of all backgrounds, from homeless individuals to blue-collar workers, to high-level executives, and other professionals. The highly-qualified staff at Oceanfront Recovery understands that some professionals likely fear that they are among just a few professionals that struggle with addiction. This is a myth about professionals with a substance use…

a woman dealing with triggers that precede relapse

The Many Triggers that Precede Relapse

Addiction is a disease, and just like many other diseases, relapse is possible. Relapse usually isn’t something that occurs suddenly, however. There are several triggers that precede relapse, which are events or issues that make you want to use. Recognizing what these triggers allow us to do our best to avoid them. Life’s Stressors While…
