What happens if you relapse?

Most addiction recovery plans and treatment options focus on one thing: preventing a victim of addiction from ever touching the substance they were addicted to again. Actually, if the plan works well enough, the ultimate goal is to dissuade the victim from having any inclination to touch any illegal substance, and to have no interest…


Fighting Depression the Healthy Way

It’s important to understand that depression is a serious mental illness that can affect anyone, regardless of their background or experiences. Whether you’re currently struggling with addiction, in recovery, or have never used drugs before, the impact of depression can be profound and deeply challenging. It’s important to seek support and care from qualified professionals…


How do I convince myself to stick with treatment?

The hardest part of any addiction recovery effort is often not the treatment itself. Rather, it is the mindset of the individual receiving the treatment. Because addiction is essentially a hijacking of the mind, individuals will often face their biggest battles in recovery when their will comes to a crossroads with the disease and what…

two friends stand up paddleboarding at Laguna Beach

You’re Not Who You Think You Are: The Mind Altering Effects of Drugs

Throughout history, drug use has been associated with a number of incredibly horrible side effects, ranging from anxiety and confusion to manic depression, paralysis, and death. In fact, in the 1800s, the presence of opium in China led directly to two wars! Though there are two centuries between then and now, drugs are still a…


Do you really want to spend the rest of your life addicted?

The short answer, of course, is no. Unfortunately, however, if you let it, your body will tell you otherwise. When consuming substances, the brain begins to depend on these substances for stimulation and the euphoric feeling we know as a “high.” Over time, the natural hormones and endorphins that your brain used to create begin…


It’s Psychological: How You Could Be Your Own Worst Enemy

Drugs– like guns, gambling, and other vices– are inanimate objects or concepts that, in and of themselves, can do no damage. However, we as human beings are quite the opposite. We are quite capable of doing horrible and irreversible damage on our own– and we often use inanimate objects like drugs to do so. Studies…


How Do I Encourage My Loved One to Get Help?

Addiction, like many chronic illnesses and diseases, is an issue that affects a lot more than just the victim. In many cases, in fact, the victim may be the only one that does not have a problem with the disease and its debilitating effects. Family members and loved ones often tend to be the most…


How Do I Pick the Right Recovery Group?

Even after successfully completing therapy at an addiction recovery center, the journey to sobriety is still far from over. In fact, many individuals who have been sober for years indicate that they are still on the path to recovery, and that the journey never truly ends at all. One of the most advisable things to…
