What is Fentanyl?

The increased number of overdose deaths from opiates is due in part to the ubiquity of fentanyl. Many drug manufacturers choose to use fentanyl as a way to strengthen other opiates, but because of the extreme potency of fentanyl, this often leads to immediate overdose upon use. Fentanyl is a synthetic opiate about 80 times…


How Dangerous is a Speedball?

When a person combines heroin and cocaine it is known as a ‘speedball’. The combination can be extremely dangerous or lethal because it mixes together a very strong depressant with a very strong stimulant. Heroin depresses respiration while cocaine stimulates the heart, which can lead to simultaneous cardiac and respiratory arrest. Dr. Adam Winstock, founder…


What is Hepatitis C?

Hepatitis C is a viral infection that can cause inflammation and damage to the liver. The virus can cause serious health complications including liver damage, liver failure, and liver cancer. Hepatitis C is easily spread among injection drug users and, although it can go away naturally, 80 percent of people develop a chronic and lifelong…
