We tend to think of our bodies and our minds as separate. When we turn to drugs and alcohol to cope with the high levels of stress from running our businesses, we don’t think of the relationship between the two. Putting drugs and alcohol into our bodies takes the edge off of our mind, yet we don’t think of what those chemicals are actually doing to our mind, or our body. The more we get addicted, the more we lose sight of this relationship, despite rapidly failing health. Addiction is a progressive disorder which gets worse over time, not better. People don’t go to treatment for drug and alcohol addiction because it isn’t as bad as it used to be, but they figured they needed some help. Treatment is what is necessitated when addiction gets as bad as it can get, or, when it is already getting bad and somebody doesn’t want it to get any worse. You take your business so seriously that you’ve continued to put your health on the backburner and continue to abuse drugs and alcohol to cope. Having a strong work ethic is a demonstrative trait in any great leader. Having the sense to prioritize your health in order to run your business is also a sign of a great leader. Developing a “why” in recovery will bring back the “way” to your business. Recovery revolves largely around making meaning. The way brain chemistry is altered in the brain under the constant direction of drugs and alcohol makes our substances of choice all the meaning we really need. Though we continue to conduct our business and manage our lives, we are increasingly controlled by drugs and alcohol. We realize through our treatment programs that our business cannot be our life, but a major part of our life. Recovery is a lifestyle that focuses on discipline, meaning, peace, caring for others, being of service to others, giving back, and looking forward. The perspectives that you gain through treatment will help your business grow in a more positive direction. Recovery is a solution-focused lifestyle with spiritual discipline- what every business needs. We have a problem with drugs and alcohol for which we need a solution. One of the chapters in Alcoholics Anonymous is titled “There Is A Solution”. AA and other twelve step programs offer a spiritual solution of spiritual discipline. Treatment centers and clinical programs offer a host of clinical, evidence-based, and scientific solutions as well. We take each solution which works for us and we integrate it into our lifestyle. Adhering to spiritual principles keeps us honest. Maintaining the discipline of the recovery lifestyle keeps us sober.
Oceanfront Recovery offers a specialized executive treatment program for men. We understand the demands of running a business in a high profile job. We also understand the demands of healing from addiction and a mental health disorder. Call us today for information on our exclusive residential treatment programs: (877) 279-1777