Drugs and alcohol damage more than your mind and body. Often, those you love become collateral damage throughout the cycle of addiction. Although it’s one of the most important tasks following addiction recovery, rebuilding relationships after rehab can seem daunting. Unfortunately, loved ones often become embroiled in codependent relationships that contribute to your addiction. At Oceanfront Recovery in Laguna Beach, CA, we include family therapy in our addiction recovery program to help you begin the healing process.
Relationships After Rehab
When you make it to the other side of an addiction recovery program, you have accomplished something huge. However, one of the biggest challenges you face after recovery is rebuilding your relationships with family and friends.
The journey may begin with facing some tough truths. You have to admit that you have wronged people and make amends. Often, carrying guilt and shame can lead to feelings of overwhelm that may lead to a relapse. Instead, ask for forgiveness and focus on rebuilding worthwhile relationships based on trust and honesty.
Drug and alcohol addictions bring on massive personality changes. This can strain or destroy friendships, marriages, and other relationships. Everyone feels the strain of a loved one held captive by addiction. However, you may be able to salvage the most important relationships and reconnect with family members.
Avoid Codependency
Codependency involves a relationship where a friend or loved one enables another’s addiction, irresponsibility, immaturity, or poor mental health. Often, the enabling individual relies on a person with substance use disorders for a sense of identity and approval.
If you were involved in a relationship with someone with their own addictions, you might have enabled one another to continue using drugs and alcohol. Once you decide to walk away and commit to recovery, you have to leave codependent relationships behind you.
Communication and Honesty
Repairing relationships after rehab begins with communication and honesty. After you apologize for any wrongs committed while under the influence of drugs and alcohol, listen to what your loved one has to say. Let them know that you have completed treatment and have committed to long-term recovery.
It may help to write down your thoughts and feelings in a letter. This gives you a chance to say what you want without being shut down or attacked. It can also open up the possibility of meeting in person if you haven’t seen someone for a long time. Remember that it might take more than one try to build bridges to past relationships. However, you don’t have to put up with insults and abuse if your loved one is still too angry to deal with their own emotions.
Ask for Forgiveness
To live an honest lifestyle, you have to acknowledge that you have hurt those you love. You don’t have to bury yourself in guilt and shame. Instead, try asking for forgiveness, even if they aren’t ready to give it yet.
When you say you’re sorry and request forgiveness, you have to admit your past mistakes. This can lift a burden from your shoulders and prevent you from returning to drugs and alcohol. Unfortunately, your loved ones may be skeptical and require proof that you have really turned the corner. Listen to your loved ones vent and listen to what they have to say. Then, let the healing process begin.
Be Patient
It may take time to repair your relationships. Spending time with friends and family members can help you show that you have changed. You may have to accept that some of them have moved on and may not be willing to include you in their lives. Renewing relationships after rehab will take time and effort, but the more you show that you are committed to sobriety, the more they will trust you.
Find the Addiction Recovery Necessary at Oceanfront Recovery
Relationships after rehab can be difficult. At the same time, you have to avoid codependency. Family therapy can help rebuild some trust you have lost. Oceanfront Recovery has aftercare and sober living homes that can help you stay focused on addiction recovery. Contact us at (877) 296-7477 or reach out online for more information on any of our recovery programs.