If you find yourself stressed out often, it might be time to try some stress management techniques. Using these techniques can come in handy and help avoid further stress that can lead to health problems, addiction relapses, or even relationship issues.
Some Helpful Info About Stress
To combat stress, it helps to understand it a bit. Not surprisingly, the number one cause of stress for Americans is money. But stress isn’t all bad. Sometimes, stress helps us function. According to The American Institute of Stress, there are four important stress terms to know.
- Acute stress – fight or flight stress that is meant to defend the body
- Chronic stress – the cost of daily living; the stress we tend to ignore that can cause health issues if left unmanaged
- Eustress – positive stress, like marriage, a new baby, winning money, etc.
- Distress – negative stress or stress with negative connotations, such as divorce, financial problems, work issues, etc.
Stress is a common feeling. In a 2018 study, the American Psychological Association found that the average stress level of adults was 5.1 on a scale of 1 to 10. Stress can lead to depression, anxiety, irritability, low sex drive, memory and concentration problems, compulsive behavior, mood swings, eating disorders, and even addiction.
Dealing with Stress
The best way to manage stress is to recognize it and work to reduce it so that it doesn’t affect your overall quality of life. You will likely always have stress on some level, so learning to handle it through stress management techniques is important. Here are three stress management techniques to try.
1. Get Physical
Physical activities such as running, playing a sport, or doing another type of exercise can be a great way to reduce your stress levels. Studies have found that regular exercise has been shown to reduce overall levels of tension, improve the quality of sleep, elevate and stabilize moods, and even improve self-esteem. And it only takes as little as five minutes of exercise to see the anti-anxiety benefits it offers.
2. Be Mindful
Just like your body needs a workout, so does your mind. Using mobile apps that help with meditation or calming the mind is a great place to start. Learning mindfulness techniques like meditation can strengthen your overall emotional response to stress and is one of the most highly regarded stress management techniques. And identifying your stressors and triggers can help you reduce them even further. Learning to be mindful of your situation, doing breathing techniques to help calm you and lower your heart rate, practicing positive self-talk, and trying different ways to meditate can be helpful.
3. Learn to Say No
One of the hardest things for a stressed person to do is to say no. Stressed people are often overwhelmed by life and already feel like they aren’t living up to expectations. Adding on top of your already high levels of stress isn’t a good idea. Learning to say no to what you don’t absolutely need to add to your plate can help leave room for you to work on taking care of yourself and reducing your stress. And it’s okay to do it.
Finding What Works
The most important factor in combating stress is to find the stress management techniques that work best for you. They won’t be the same for everyone, but trying different solutions and working to ensure you are choosing healthy solutions is key. If you can’t seem to shake the stress on your own, be sure to reach out to a professional. At Oceanfront Recovery, we want to help you through your stress and the effects it can have on your life. Reach out to us at (877) 296-7477 to learn more about how we can help.