What are the Long-Term Effects of Marijuana?

Marijuana is often considered to be a harmless drug. In the short-term, marijuana is much less harmful than other substances, but chronic and consistent use overtime can lead to some major health problems. Research into the effects of marijuana has found that the developing brain, in particular, can be negatively impacted in the long-term. One…

Is Recovery Forever?

Many people entering into recovery are conflicted by the prospect of giving up drugs and alcohol forever. They may recognize that they need help and be entirely willing to stop for some time, but the thought of never using drugs or drinking again can be a frightening prospect. We are taking on the lifelong journey…

Striving to Do Your Best in Sobriety

Recovery is about more than just not drinking or using. We engage in a process of continual spiritual and personal development to help us achieve a state of happiness, joyousness, and freedom. The more we practice the principles of recovery, the better we become at maintaining our serenity. The best way to ensure that we…

What are Environmental Cues?

Addiction is chronic disease that carries with it a high rate of relapse. What separates addiction from other brain diseases is the importance of environment and social context in regards to recovery. Recovery requires that one address physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of the disease, as well as social factors that may contribute to one’s…