parent's addiction

Could My Parent’s Addiction Have Affected Me?

Most researchers and theoreticians consider the family as a fundamental unit of society and the building block of our communities. The home is the primary place where a child learns what normal and healthy behavior looks like. However, it can also be the first place where a growing child may learn detrimental behaviors from a mom…

woman understanding the dangers of white knuckle sobriety

The Dangers of White-Knuckle Sobriety

White-knuckle sobriety refers to the practice of desperately holding onto sobriety without working a recovery program. Many programs stress the impossibility of maintaining sobriety by sheer force of will, but there are some—few and far between—who can for some time. The problem with white-knuckling sobriety is that it does not allow one to address all…

prescription drugs

Why Is Prescription Drug Addiction So Prevalent?

In the year 2017, it was estimated that approximately 18 million people misused prescription medications at least once in the past year. Opioid overdoses from prescriptions were five times higher in 2016 than in 1999. A final shocking statistic is that the number of prescription drugs being prescribed by doctors since the ’90s has increased. You…