Can I Learn to Control My Drinking?

When we first realized that our drinking has gotten out of control, many of us searched for excuses rather than admit that we were suffering from alcoholism. We felt as though our loss of control was theresult of a  momentary lapse in judgement, or a reaction to external stressors, rather than symptomatic of a progressive…

Internal Vs External Unmanageability

The first step of Alcoholics Anonymous is: “We admitted we were powerless over alcohol—that our lives had become unmanageable.” What, then, does it mean to lose manageability in one’s life? Most people assume that “unmanageability” refers to losing control over external aspects of our lives, like relationships, finances, and employment. However, there is also the…

What Should I Tell My Doctor?

Our decision not to use mind or mood-altering substances is no reason to allow our health to suffer. Physicians have our best interest in mind, but it is our responsibility to openly communicate with them about our disease of addiction. Most medical professionals will be understanding and help guide us toward a solution with minimal…

What is Enabling?

When a loved one is struggling with addiction or alcoholism, we want to be as supportive as possible. However, sometimes our love can cause us to hurt them rather than help them. Our attempts to support them can turn into enabling behavior, which exacerbates the nature of their addiction. If someone in a state of…