Adderall, Vitalin, Vyvanse, and other stimulant drugs are prescribed to people who struggle with learning disorders/mental illnesses like attention deficit disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, better known as ADD/ADHD. Living with ADD or ADHD stems beyond the generalized concept of not being able to focus on a task. ADHD can cause cognitive dysfunction, sometimes leaving people feeling as though they are in a fog, unable to make sense of information coming in. Extreme forgetfulness, hyperactivity, rapid thinking, inability to sleep, making mistakes, impulsivity, and other disabilities make it difficult to concentrate, fulfill responsibilities, maintain relationships, and more. A primary form of treatment for those living with ADD and ADHD are stimulant medications. These drugs help activate the brain in the areas they need to be activated in order to counteract the other disabled thinking processes. With their medications, people with ADHD are able to stay on track, focus, and maintain their attention in order to get things done. For people who do not have ADHD, these drugs are desirable for all of the same reasons. Young people abuse study drugs because they think they are going to get an advantage in their lives. For their studies in college, for their high demand jobs, for studying for major exams, even for losing weight, young people abuse study drugs for all kinds of reasons. Sadly, the payoff is usually short. While the stimulant drugs can provide a sharpened focus and ability to stay up all night without needing to eat or sleep, the drugs have less of an effect on a non-ADHD mind. The effects of the drug are not sustainable. Study drug addiction is common and has serious side effects. Taking too many amphetamine stimulant substances increases the heart rate and can cause palpitation. In addition to abusing the medication, not eating, not sleeping, and exhausting energy strictly on the medication, is harmful for the heart as well. Under high amounts of stress and pressure, it is not uncommon for students to suffer nervous or psychotic breaks from the high amounts of drugs and the pressure to succeed.
If you are struggling with an addiction to study drugs or other stimulant amphetamines, help is available. At Oceanfront Recovery, we believe that when you change your story about addiction, you can change your life. For information on our full spectrum of dual diagnosis care, call us today: (877) 279-1777