Real, healthy food is a necessity for your mental and physical health because your body needs it for fuel. It needs food to function at an optimal level. Real food may be different than what you put into your body on a daily basis. The kind of food you eat may have lots of carbs, sugar, and fat. It is good to discern between what is healthy fat versus unhealthy fat and which foods have the nutrient load to keep your mind and body healthy in recovery.
Low Sugar Foods
Sugary foods can cause lots of health problems down the road. Healthy food can have sugar, but healthier sugar than you will find in other types of food. Real food that is lower in sugar can help fight against type 2 diabetes, fatty liver disease, and heart disease. Fruit is one of the best foods you can eat that is low in processed sugar and high in water in fiber.
High Fiber Foods
When you think of fiber, you may not be quite sure which foods contain fiber for your body. It also helps your digestive function and makes you feel fuller longer. Eating whole foods with fiber helps your body feel healthier overall. Some examples of high fiber foods:
- Flaxseeds
- Blackberries
- Beans
- Avocadoes
Antioxidant Booster
Foods high in antioxidants help fight free radicals. These free radicals are unstable molecules that may damage your body over time. Antioxidants are found in real foods like veggies, nuts, fruit, and beans. Unprocessed animal foods contain antioxidants, even though they come in lower levels.
Gut Health
Overall, your gut is probably screaming at you in recovery. Real food is one way to settle things and start to feel better in recovery. Eating real food can support your gut microbiome where microbes live in your digestive tract. Real food sources of prebiotics have tons of good bacteria. Give asparagus and garlic a try for a gut boost.
Real, healthy food is not just for your body and mind, but it is also important to how you look at recovery. If you feel better, you make better decisions. If you are more focused, you have more clarity of mind to do things that are important to you. The key is to find ways of building up to a healthier diet overall and not be afraid to try new foods and ways of cooking to get on the right track with your health.
Oceanfront can help you get on the right track for your health with our treatment program. We focus on a holistic approach that helps you build We are founded on the principle of providing the best in care and services at affordable prices. We are located in beautiful Laguna Beach. Call us to find out how we can help you navigate addiction recovery: 877-296-7477