Addiction diminished our ability to properly communicate with others. When we enter into treatment, we may feel overwhelmed by strong emotions and unable or unwilling to properly communicate our needs. If we want the best possible outcome from our time in treatment, however, we must be willing to open up and effectively communicate with others. Entering into treatment can be frightening. We may feel closed-off from others or too ashamed of our past in active addiction to feel comfortable speaking to another person. We cannot allow our shame to get in the way of our ability to communicate, however. Being open about the nature of our addiction can be cathartic—we can begin to feel a sense of freedom through our acknowledgement and acceptance of our past problems. It is only after accepting the truth of ourselves that we can begin to make progress in our recovery. We may be afraid of discovering that our life in addiction was better or worse than others. Hearing other people talk about their pasts can cause us to feel like we may not belong, but we must keep in mind that addiction doesn’t discriminate. Nobody’s addiction is better or worse than others. If we open ourselves up and communicate about our past behaviors, we will certainly find more common ground with our fellows than the insignificant differences. Diminishing or exaggerating our problems only get in the way of our own ability to properly engage in our program of recovery. In treatment, each person has individualized needs that are no more or less important than anyone else. Allowing our fears of communicating these needs keeps us from receiving the most effective treatment possible, so we must approach our therapists or counselors from a place of complete honesty. We find it helpful to constantly remind ourselves why we initially sought treatment, and draw upon that willingness to propel us forward and make the most of each day in treatment by effectively communicating the truth of our addiction and what we need or want to gain from the experience.
Honesty, open-mindedness, and willingness can be the beginning of your new life story. Oceanfront Recovery, a men’s treatment facility in beautiful Laguna beach, recognized the importance of your personal needs in treatment and offers individualized treatment options to give you the best chance of achieving permanent sobriety. For more information about treatment options, please call: (877) 279-1777