Getting back on your feet following addiction takes time. Learning to manage work stress after your coping mechanism was taken away can be frustrating and downright confusing. Building good strategies for managing stress at work will help you find balance in recovery.
Manage Work Stress Better with These Tips
Engage Co-Workers
Having friends at work is great and they may be happy you returned but you are not the same as when you left. Let them know you are gradually easing back into work projects or assignments for the time being. You may need approval to get there but you will find your way. If you are struggling, consult a higher up or boss. If you own the company, then find ways to engage others in the company so they understand what to expect as you transition back into leadership. They may provide good moral support and encouragement as you start integrating back into workflow.
Maximize Efficiency
Being efficient is important for addiction recovery. Lots of time can be spent chatting away over coffee or the water cooler but if you waste work time, it is not productive. The result of it all is increased stress by trying to complete work assignments when you are not able to get them done. Every day before leaving work, make a list of projects and assignments to work on so you know what you will be doing and keep focused. When you tackle easy things first it helps to see items crossed off and give you impetus to keep going.
Leave Work at Work
Don’t bring your work home with you once you’re working again. Ease back into the routine and find ways to leave work there. Check out project due dates and assignments to avoid being late on projects. If you leave your office and still bring home work (mentally or otherwise) it can increase stress and anxiety while having negative mental health implications for your life. If you clearly separate work from home life you will find yourself more relaxed and able to relieve stress in a positive way. Work at staying positive and focused on recovery. The last thing you need is more stress so focus on what you need to do to stay sober and clean for the moment. Avoid triggers such as huge social gatherings with lots of alcohol and do what you can to find ways of building rapport with people without alcohol flowing. You will find this a more productive way of being present for others and healing in recovery while also being efficient at work.
We believe at Oceanfront Recovery every individual has the power to create their own recovery experience. Our trained clinicians, therapists and staff are passionate about helping you change your life and restore your work life. We provide tools and resources to ou discover how to implement best strategies for your recovery.
Call us to find out how we can help you recover from addiction: 877-296-7477