a diverse group opens up and supports each other in group therapy as part of meth addiction treatmentMethamphetamine, or meth, is a highly addictive stimulant. It has several different street names, most frequently referred to as crystal or crystal meth. Individuals who use meth experience an intense and immediate high that can drastically alter brain chemistry, causing dependency. The continued abuse of methamphetamines will negatively impact every aspect of a person’s life. While some people may feel as if they can casually or occasionally use this synthetic drug, the social, medical, and psychological consequences will eventually catch up to everyone.

If you or a loved one struggles with methamphetamine addiction and wants to take the first step on the path to sobriety, Oceanfront Recovery can provide you with the meth addiction treatment center that you need for effective meth rehab in Laguna Beach, California. Our California substance abuse treatment programs can provide the necessary support and therapy so individuals can heal from addiction and lay the foundations for a lasting recovery. Call (877) 296-7477 to learn more.

What Is Meth?

To understand what takes place at a meth addiction treatment center, it is important to understand what exactly this drug is and how it affects the body.

Methamphetamine is a synthetic psychostimulant that produces a wide range of effects depending on how much is taken, how it is taken, and the individual’s tolerance to the drug. It often produces an excessive amount of energy and a powerful feeling of euphoria, especially when first being experimented with.

Unfortunately, as an individual builds up a tolerance to these chemicals, they will require more and more of the drug to achieve the same results. Overdosing will quickly become a concern as larger doses are needed or an individual mixes meth with other drugs and alcohol.

Why Meth Addiction Treatment Is Important

Due to the addictive nature of this substance, a comprehensive meth addiction rehab center is generally the only way most can permanently beat their dependency. Oceanfront Recovery programs offer help for multiple substance abuse and a mental health treatment program in Laguna Beach, CA.

Some of the short and long-term effects of meth use include:

  • Malnutrition
  • Hallucinations
  • Engaging in risky sexual behavior
  • Paranoia
  • Tooth decay
  • Confusion
  • Psychosis

The effects of using meth are both physical and psychological. When individuals come to our meth rehab program, they can expect to see their physical symptoms treated through detox and therapies like nutrition and yoga. The damage that addiction causes to an individual’s emotional and mental state are also addressed through our addiction treatment therapies like:

How Oceanfront Recovery’s Meth Addiction Treatment Program Can Help

Depending on the severity of the addiction, you may need to go through detox before entering our meth addiction and treatment center in Laguna Beach, California. Once the body has become acclimated to meth, quitting the substance will result in a number of physical and psychological side effects as the body attempts to “rebalance” itself. This period is known as detoxing and can take anywhere from three days for casual users to 10 days for long-term addicts. Those addicted to meth should never attempt to detox on their own but detox at a meth addiction rehab center. The withdrawal symptoms put an incredible strain on the body, which should always be overseen by trained clinical professionals at our drug and alcohol detox center in California.

Once the physical effects of withdrawal have begun to subside, it is time to consider long-term meth addiction treatment options. These addictions are often the result of a wide variety of factors, including past trauma, abuse, mental disorders, and genetics. This means there is no single path toward sobriety that will be right for every person. Here at Oceanfront Recovery, we take a personalized approach at meth addiction treatment centers that will give you the best chance at quickly and permanently beating your addiction.

Some of the most significant benefits of professional meth addiction treatment at a facility like Oceanfront Recovery are:

  1. Access to 24/7 professional medical care and support
  2. Unpleasant withdrawal symptoms are managed in medical detox
  3. Holistic treatment options are available
  4. One-on-one and group therapy sessions
  5. Aftercare and peer support programs once treatment ends

Break Meth Addiction with Help and Support from Oceanfront Recovery

If you or anyone you know is dealing with an addiction to meth and are unsure about your options for detox and rehab, please contact our team by calling (877) 296-7477 or filling out our online form today and take that first step toward a healthy and fulfilling life. Our meth addiction treatment centers and concierge-level support are here to help.