How do I choose the right treatment plan?

The biggest step in your fight against addiction is making the decision to seek professional help from a recovery center. Once you have decided that help, at the present moment, is beyond your control, you will find that your attitude towards your addiction will change to one that is more action-based and goal-oriented. Acknowledging your…

How can I tell if I’m an addict?

As with many illnesses, it is hard to self-diagnose addiction, particularly because of the disease’s wide variety of symptoms. While addiction is always associated with physical dependence on a substance, some addicts go years without ever noticing they are dependent at all. As substance abuse becomes more and more habitual, it is quite common for…

How do I say no to my triggers?

People say it often, but it is often a lot harder to avoid common triggers of your addiction when going through your everyday life. If you are not careful, you can find yourself in situations where you feel powerless to stop yourself from engaging in activities that you could put you at risk of falling…

Quitting “Cold Turkey” Rarely Works: Here’s Why

When an individual regularly consumes toxic substances like drugs and alcohol, he or she may consume with the impression that quitting will be as easy as starting was. In fact, several surveys indicate that individuals in these situations often deem themselves perfectly capable of quitting anytime they’d like. Their strategy is typically one that includes…

adult son and mother smiling portrait

How Drug and Alcohol Use Could Harm Your Future Kids

Just as drug and alcohol use harms your body and brain, it can also have a devastating impact on unborn children. In pregnancy, your baby receives all of its nutrients from you. As both food and oxygen travel through the umbilical cord and to the placenta without dilution or filtration, it’s important to remember that…

How long does recovery take?

Addiction in and of itself is a sick, debilitating, invasive disease that affects all manner of people. It has no definitive characteristics, nor does it have a particular type of individual that it seems to prefer. The truth of the matter is that it is one of the very few diseases that science simply cannot…

Why Your High May No Longer Be Enough

It’s no secret: millions of Americans fight the chronic struggle of drug dependency every day. While addiction recovery centers nationwide are working effortlessly to provide resources for these victims, the simple fact of the matter is that while some are getting better, many others are regressing rapidly. In fact, studies indicate that the volume of…

Is it wise to go through treatment more than once?

For many, rehab is an experience like no other. They enter a treatment facility broken, battered shells of themselves, ravaged by the disease that is addiction, and with very little hope for a bright future. A few months later, they emerge afresh, with a new lease on life and a new attitude, ready to conquer…