a woman thinking about what to know about fentanyl

What Do I Need To Know About Fentanyl?

Fentanyl is a powerful synthetic opioid that has become a major public health concern, especially among teens. As a substance that is 50 to 100 times more potent than morphine, fentanyl’s strength and potential for misuse make it extremely dangerous, even in small amounts. Originally developed for severe pain management, particularly in cancer patients, fentanyl…

a woman looking at her meds wondering what is prescription drug addiction

What Is Prescription Drug Addiction?

Many people in the United States have been directly affected by the ongoing opioid crisis. Many of these drugs come from prescriptions given to treat a variety of physical and mental issues. Prescription drug addiction claim the lives of countless people every year. But what is prescription drug addiction? There is prescription drug addiction and…

a person cutting lines not thinking about Stimulant Abuse

Stimulant Abuse

A stimulant works on the central nervous system to increase cognitive function or alertness. Stimulants can be illicit substances, such as cocaine, or prescription medications. These drugs are taken orally, injected, or snorted. Many people use some form of stimulants every day. For example, caffeine in coffee and nicotine found in cigarettes are both considered…

a person wondering about Klonopin Side Effects

You Can Recover From Klonopin Side Effects

If you’re facing addiction issues and Klonopin side effects, we want you to know that you’re not alone. There are many people who struggle with addiction to medications like Klonopin. These types of drugs are so frequently prescribed that it can be all too easy for them to become a concern. If you find that…

What painkillers are most addictive? Read to learn about the most addictive painkillers.

What Painkillers Are Most Addictive

Hospitals and physicians typically do their best to provide the most optimal pain management solutions for patients. However, the potency of some painkillers causes some patients to develop an addiction. If you find yourself addicted to prescription medication, our prescription drug addiction treatment center in Laguna Beach Ca, provides a comprehensive addiction treatment needed to…

a doctor talking to a patient about Ritalin Addiction Treatment Center

Ritalin Addiction Treatment Center

Doctors prescribe many drugs that can potentially become addictive and cause a real problem. Ritalin is one of those drugs. It is a central nervous system stimulant often prescribed to help individuals with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD. It affects chemicals in the central nervous system, namely the brain and nerves, which play a…

a doctor discussing Vicodin Addiction Treatment Center with a patient

Vicodin Addiction Treatment Center

Orange County Vicodin Addiction Treatment If you are the victim of Vicodin addiction and abuse, you are not alone. Roughly 40% of Americans who have been prescribed Vicodin will require a Vicodin addiction rehab center. Often prescribed for pain relief or as a cough suppressant, Vicodin is highly addictive. If you are struggling with addiction…