Is Recovery Forever?

Many people entering into recovery are conflicted by the prospect of giving up drugs and alcohol forever. They may recognize that they need help and be entirely willing to stop for some time, but the thought of never using drugs or drinking again can be a frightening prospect. We are taking on the lifelong journey…

What are Environmental Cues?

Addiction is chronic disease that carries with it a high rate of relapse. What separates addiction from other brain diseases is the importance of environment and social context in regards to recovery. Recovery requires that one address physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of the disease, as well as social factors that may contribute to one’s…

How Does Alcohol Affect the Body?

Alcohol abuse seems, at first glance, to be less harmful than other drugs. After all, it is legal and most people can indulge without major consequences. When alcohol use turns into alcoholism, however, the damaging effects it causes to the body can be tremendous. Alcohol can lead to immediate death from alcohol poisoning, but more…

Will I Become a Different Person in Sobriety?

Many men and women suffering from addiction have molded their lives and personalities around their drug use. It becomes “normal,” and giving up the perceived comfort that comes from substance abuse can be a frightening prospect. After all, we often used drugs and alcohol as a means of medicating ourselves from other, deeper problems in…

How Can Family Help Someone in Recovery?

The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD) explains, “Addiction is a family disease that stresses the family to the breaking point, impacts the stability of the home, the family’s unity, mental health, physical health, finances and overall family dynamics” Addiction causes major consequence to the family and loved ones of the suffered. Healing…

When is it Time to Reach Out for Help?

Addiction is a complex disease that is chronic, progressive, and often fatal if left untreated. One of the defining characteristics of addiction is a lack of power over drugs and alcohol, or an inability to stop using despite negative consequences. There is no “right time” to seek help for addiction, as our disease has often…