Which Level of Care is Right for You?

  Deciding on a treatment facility can be an overwhelming decision.  What works for one person may not work for another.  There are many different methodological approaches to addiction treatment.  Some are twelve-step based and others address a more mindfulness way.  After determining which approach is best for you, then comes the decision of the…

Do You Need Someone To Hold You Accountable?

  Addiction is a disease of the mind.  It causes obsessive thoughts and makes you act compulsively, despite knowing the consequences of such behaviors.  A person in the depths of their addiction lacks responsibility for their actions.  They think all their problems are someone else’s fault.  Now that you’ve decided to get clean and sober,…

Are You Taking Action In Your Recovery?

  Now that you’ve decided to get clean and sober, the journey of recovery is just beginning.  Becoming abstinent from drugs and alcohol may be one of the hardest things you’ll do, but the work isn’t over.  In recovery you may hear phrases like, “don’t think, just do.”  These are used because there is much…

Can You Be a High Functioning Addict?

  When you picture a drug addict you may picture someone living on the streets, in trouble with the law, stealing to feed their addiction, and generally hopeless. What about the drug addict that still has a stable job, a home, a family, and decent health? Can you be a drug addict that hasn’t yet…

Do I Need To Go To Treatment?

Rehab for substance abuse disorders is an opportunity to focus on your health and get treatment for your addiction. There is no one sign that clearly indicates whether rehab is right for you. To assist you in your journey, here are 4 signs you need to go to rehab.      You are reading this article. Rarely…

Could A Hormone In The Brain Explain Alcoholism?

  Aldosterone is a hormone in the brain that isn’t frequently spoken about. Produced by the adrenal glands, the hormone takes part in regulating and controlling blood pressure. In addition, the aldosterone hormone helps balance electrolytes, which are needed for energy. New research from the NIAAA, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism discovered…

Why Is The FDA Reducing Nicotine In Cigarettes?

Nicotine is an addicting substance. Cigarettes are incredibly harmful. There is an overwhelming amount of research pointing to the fact that cigarettes are deadly, cause cancer, and are bad for the environment. Yet cigarette sales are consistently high and the tobacco industry is booming. Addicts and alcoholics in recovery are a large smoking population. Considered…

Do You Need A Digital Detox?

  There’s a lot of risk for relapse hidden in the phone. Your dealer’s number is there. You know how to access them on Facebook. You could call up an old drinking buddy and make plans, without calling anyone else. Silently, on Instagram, you can find illegal drugs for sale. If you are prone to…