Dealing with everyday stress is a problem we all face, but some manage it better than others. Nevertheless, there are some excellent exercises for stress that will help you cope. Oceanfront Recovery can guide individuals through some general stress management techniques and some breathing exercises to help you deal with stress.
Stress Management
Managing stress is essential to maintaining physical and mental health. Nevertheless, more than a third of Americans suffer from extreme stress, so it’s not uncommon. Whether it’s work stress, relationship difficulties, or money worries, there are lots of things that can help manage stress, such as:
- Yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises
- Adult coloring, painting, or other artistic activities
- Sport and exercise
- Talking about it
- Writing things down
- Breaking tasks up into manageable chunks
Stress is linked to six leading causes of death: heart disease, cancer, lung problems, accidents, liver damage, and suicide. Nevertheless, there’s no need for it to become unmanageable, and support is available.
For instance, having an excellent routine can help manage the things that cause stress and clear the mind from excess worries. Combined with writing lists or morning pages to vent, carefully scheduled time and a good outlet can enhance stress management.
It is also beneficial to have something else to focus on, especially if it’s an enjoyable activity. Calming hobbies like yoga or adult coloring works well. On the other hand, getting enough exercise or participating in an active hobby can burn off excess energy. Going for a run or taking a kickboxing class can be an excellent way to release stress. Exercise is also incredibly beneficial to both physical and mental health and will help offset some of the health issues caused by stress.
Exercises for Stress
There are many different exercises for stress, but some of the best are the ones you can do anywhere, for instance, at work during a high-pressure situation or in the middle of an argument at home.
Learning a simple three-minute mindfulness technique can help anywhere, at any time, and the more you do it, the more you feel the effects. If three-minutes is unrealistic, you can adapt the routine to suit you. For instance, ten-seconds can still be useful. A mindfulness routine brings you back into the moment and stops thoughts from rushing. It slows your breathing and your heart rate and can defuse a turbulent situation.
Merely allowing the breath to reach the stomach, or breathing through alternate nostrils, can also help.
When stress becomes overwhelming, take a moment to focus on the breath. It is calming and will help you maintain control. Close your eyes and count three long breaths, in and out. If you have more time, try ten breaths instead.
Contact Oceanfront Recovery
At Oceanfront Recovery, we believe in treating all our patients with compassion and determination. We are based just two blocks away from the Pacific ocean, and we offer various alternative therapies like yoga or equine therapy. We run a variety of treatment programs, such as:
- Anxiety treatment program
- Drug and alcohol detox center
- Opiate addiction treatment program
- Sober living homes
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy program
- Family therapy program
Our highly-trained staff is friendly and approachable. We offer expert care and robust aftercare for all our programs. Oceanfront Recovery has an excellent intakes team that is willing to discuss finance options with you. We accept most insurance policies.
Oceanfront Recovery relies on only the most up-to-date technology, and our facilities are stylishly furnished. At Oceanfront Recovery, we understand how difficult life can be. If you would like to talk to someone about exercises for stress, call Oceanfront Recovery today at (877) 296-7477.