a man pouring a substance into his hand wondering what is flakka

What Is Flakka?

The drug Flakka is another of the new breed of dangerous designer drugs. But what is flakka? It is produced in laboratories and appear suddenly on the market.  Flakka, which derives its name from the Spanish slang for pretty woman (“la flaca”), is a form of the drug alpha-Pyrrolidinopentiophenone (alpha-PVP). Interestingly, this drug was developed…

a person cutting lines not thinking about Stimulant Abuse

Stimulant Abuse

A stimulant works on the central nervous system to increase cognitive function or alertness. Stimulants can be illicit substances, such as cocaine, or prescription medications. These drugs are taken orally, injected, or snorted. Many people use some form of stimulants every day. For example, caffeine in coffee and nicotine found in cigarettes are both considered…

a person wondering about Klonopin Side Effects

You Can Recover From Klonopin Side Effects

If you’re facing addiction issues and Klonopin side effects, we want you to know that you’re not alone. There are many people who struggle with addiction to medications like Klonopin. These types of drugs are so frequently prescribed that it can be all too easy for them to become a concern. If you find that…