Can Addiction Cause Other Mental Disorders?

Research done over the past twenty years has shown a definitive correlation between substance addiction and mental illness. The National Bureau of Economic Research indicates that “mental health disorder patients are responsible for the consumption of 38% of alcohol, 44% of cocaine, and 40% of cigarettes.” Additionally, according to the report, those that may not…

Can Drugs Cause Mental Illness?

Mental illness and drug use seem to go hand-in-hand. Usually, mental illness leads to drug abuse as an attempt to self-medicate symptoms. However, using drugs also can lead to mental disorders by causing drastic changes in the chemistry of the brain. These brain changes can either cause mental disorders later in life, or cause latent…

Psychosis Caused by DXM

DXM, or dextromethorphan, is a common ingredients in many over-the-counter cough medicines. It is often abused in high doses because it has dissociative, sedative, and stimulant properties. Due to its availability, one in ten teenagers reported abusing DXM in 2008. When taken as directed, DXM-containing medications are effective cough suppressants, but when abused, they can…

Paint Over Anxiety

Anxiety can be difficult to deal with in a healthy way, and it often feels more prominent during the first few crucial weeks or months of sobriety. Our minds and bodies are still healing from the damages of drugs and alcohol, and as a result we may feel more susceptible to feelings of stress, anxiety,…

Making Use of Mettā

Metta is a Buddhist concept that loosely translates to “loving-kindness.” Additional meanings of the term may be friendliness, benevolence, goodwill, amity, and empathy for others. Metta is a means of recognizing that there is a sense of solidarity in humanity, and approaching others with a sense of friendliness, consideration, and generosity. Recovery focuses on living…