Making Recovery a Priority

There is a saying in the rooms of 12-Step recovery fellowships: “Whatever you put before your sobriety, you will lose.” When we entered into the beginning stages of our recovery, we made the decision that we were willing to go to any lengths to achieve victory over alcohol and drugs. Sometimes, however, we begin to…

Admitting There is a Problem

Denial can be one of the strongest impediments in seeking help for addiction and alcoholism. We use all forms of self-deception to keep ourselves from admitting the truth—that we are powerless over addiction and our lives are unmanageable. We may face dire consequences as a result of our behaviors, yet still maintain the belief that…

How Do I Choose a Recovery Fellowship?

Alcoholics Anonymous, the first 12 Step recovery fellowship, began after a meeting between Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith in 1935. The basic text of Alcoholics Anonymous, known as the Big Book was first published in 1939 and explains the process of the 12 Steps. Since then, many other recovery fellowships have developed using Alcoholics…