Ending the Day in Sobriety

Addiction is never cured. Overcoming the disease requires consistent mental and spiritual maintenance. Our nights are yet another time to exercise the recovery practices we have learned as a means of ensuring our sobriety in the day to come. We take the opportunity before we go to bed to bolster our spiritual connection and commitment…

How Dangerous is Synthetic Marijuana?

Synthetic marijuana has grown in recent years as a major public health danger. There seem to be constant news stories about deaths or serious health problems tied to using synthetic forms of marijuana. The process of creating the chemicals used to mimic the effects of marijuana is often unregulated and unresearched. Using these products can…

How is Addiction Diagnosed Medically?

Addiction is recognized in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) as Substance Use Disorders. These disorders vary based on the specific substance one is using, as well as the severity of the problem. The current edition of the DSM no longer uses the terms “substance abuse” and “substance dependence.” Rather,…

What is Enabling?

When a loved one is struggling with addiction or alcoholism, we want to be as supportive as possible. However, sometimes our love can cause us to hurt them rather than help them. Our attempts to support them can turn into enabling behavior, which exacerbates the nature of their addiction. If someone in a state of…

Let’s Talk About Safeguarding Executives Against Addiction

Businesses generally have plans in place for crisis situations but that does not protect from every possible thing that may happen. Employment Assistance Programs can provide employees space to deal with personal matters, typically psychological issues, including depression. Creating an intervention plan to help safeguard employees, including executives, against addiction can be very helpful. Addiction…