group standing together experiencing benefits of 12 step programs

5 Benefits of 12-Step Programs

The 12-Step recovery program created by Alcoholics Anonymous is widely used, perhaps for its tried and true method of treating addiction. The 12-Step program is used in drug rehab facilities worldwide for its effectiveness in sustaining sobriety, especially for those who continue to work the program after leaving treatment. Each step showcases a level of…

rehab for professionals

Benefits of Rehab for Professionals

When it comes to who you are in terms of family and career, substance addiction does not discriminate. Fathers and mothers are just as susceptible to abusing substances as their children. Professionals like lawyers, politicians, doctors, and celebrities may also find themselves in need of addiction treatment programs to help them manage their lives. For…

xanax addiction

Dangers of Xanax Addiction

Prescribed use of Xanax has been on the rise as more people search for ways to combat short-term anxiety and panic disorders. This has led to drug abuse as the number of reported cases of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) has steadily increased over the years. Xanax is meant to be a short-term solution, but the…

functioning alcoholic

Getting Help for a Functioning Alcoholic

Millions of people worldwide have a toxic relationship with alcohol, and it’s easy to see why. It’s a readily available addictive substance that has permeated our worldwide culture. When one thinks of the word “alcoholism,” it’s easy to picture a few stereotypes, but those aren’t the only people that can benefit from an alcohol rehab…

man holding his forehead struggling with oxycontin abuse

Dangerous Side Effects of Oxycontin Abuse

OxyContin is the brand name of the drug oxycodone. Oxycodone is an opioid that is prescribed primarily as a form of pain relief. Today, it’s on the Drug Enforcement Agency’s Controlled Substances Act as a Schedule II drug. That means that it has a high potential to cause addiction. Even when used as a doctor…

heroin addiction

Why Is Heroin so Infamous?

Heroin is a highly addictive drug with a long and rich history of narcotic and pain-relieving effects. Heroin is produced from morphine, which is an organic compound itself derived from opium, a latex substance that leaks from the poppy seedpod when damaged. Opium has been used in its original state for thousands of years. Evidence dates…