One huge roadblock to success is not failure itself, but fear of failure. Fear of failure is often worse than failing because it keeps you from reaching your full potential. Researchers have found that success in the face of failure comes from focusing on the results rather than trying not to fail. It’s really about emotional intelligence and finding a way to turn failure around into success.
Take Action
The actions you take in the face of failure determine your ability to recover. There are five actions to take when you fail that can help you succeed.
Own up to mistakes
This actually enhances your image to yourself and everyone else. It instills confidence, accountability, and integrity. Stick to the facts and don’t focus on excuses.
Have a plan
Figuring out ahead of time how to fix things when it goes wrong can help you do what is needed in the face of failure. Offer your own solutions and don’t let your boss down by not having a plan to get back on track.
Get back up
Don’t let failure keep you down. Focus on a mindset that keeps you on the up and up. Get right back into the saddle and try again. Waiting only prolongs feelings and increases chances of losing your nerve.
Perspective is everything
People who are skilled at rebounding after failure are more likely to blame it on something they did rather than something they are. People who are bad at handling failure tend to blame laziness, lack of intelligence, or something personal which implies lack of control. This may keep them in the loop of failure by continuing the same behavior.
Be persistently optimistic
Optimism is a feeling of being positive in the face of adversity. Persistence is what you do with it. Optimism is in the action itself. When everyone else says ‘enough is enough,’ and decides to quit, you can be sure that persistent people are special because they always keep going forward. This will help you rise up from failure.
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