The term ‘go with the flow’ refers to the ability to stay calm and accept a situation without trying to change or control it. In sobriety, we move away from attempting to control situations and focus on accepting what we cannot change. We will inevitably be put into a situation that is out of our control and we may want to change it. However, we will often find that our attempts to change the situation or other people simply leads to more anger and resentment, which could become risks to our serenity and sobriety. The Serenity Prayer, often recited in 12-step recovery meetings, suggests we ask for three things. The first is to be able to accept the things we cannot change. This can be extremely difficult, especially when we are in an uncomfortable situation. We have two options when faced with these kinds of situations: we can act out of fear or we can act out of faith. Acting out of fear usually causes us to attempt to control the situation, and we feel all sorts of negative emotions when we find that we cannot. However, acting out of faith allows us to recognize that, even though the situation may be difficult, positive things can arise from it. Mary Pritchard, in a 2016 Huffington Post article entitled Sweet Surrender: The Art of Going With the Flow, writes, “I’m not saying that life’s lessons don’t hurt. Some of them sting like a bee, but underneath the pain, there is love, learning, the guidance you needed at the time and maybe didn’t even know you were seeking.” It may be hard to see at the time, but what is happening may be exactly what we need to experience at that moment. The main text of Alcoholics Anonymous, referred to as the “Big Book”, contains a collection of personal stories highlighting the experience, strength, and hope of member who have overcome alcoholism. One writer, in Acceptance Was The Answer, explains, “…I can find no serenity until I accept that person, place, thing, or situation as being exactly the way it is supposed to be at this moment. Nothing, absolutely nothing, happens in God’s world by mistake.” When we “go with the flow” and give up our attempts to assert control over unchangeable situations, we are much more capable of keeping our serenity and peace of mind intact on our journey of recovery.
Your future in sobriety can become one of happiness and acceptance in sobriety. You can begin building a life of serenity and peace of mind by making the courageous decision to seek help today. Oceanfront Recovery, a licensed dual diagnosis treatment center in the heart of beautiful Laguna Beach, is staffed with caring and compassionate professionals dedicated to providing perfect environment for men and women to begin the process of healing from addiction. For information about individualized treatment options, please call today: (877) 279-1777