For Musicians in Recovery

Pete Doherty, singer of The Libertines and Babyshambles, reflected on the beginnings of his heroin addiction in a 2014 Independent article. “To me,” he said, “it wasn’t a dirty street drug, it was this magic potion I read about. It was Kubla Khan, Thomas DeQuincy, Oscar Wilde: it was an aspect of their world that…

What Are The Dangers of Detox?

Detoxifying the body of drugs and alcohol is the first major step a person can take toward recovery. The process is often painful, frightening, and overwhelming. Many men and women struggling with addiction choose to enter treatment facilities that provide assistance during this period. Some, on the other hand, attempt to detox at home without…

Dangers of Home Detox

The first step on the path toward sobriety is detoxifying the body of drugs and alcohol. Healing can only begin once our system has been purged of any remnants of substances. The process can be overwhelming and painful. Without proper medical assistance through detoxification, it can cause an array of health risks or even death.…

Can I Switch Sponsors?

The relationship between sponsor and sponsee if one of immense trust. We take into account a variety of factors before choosing someone with whom we will develop this relationship. However, there may come a time on our journey when we feel that we are no longer growing in our sober lives, or we may meet…

How Do You Choose a 12-Step Sponsor?

One of the core components of 12-Step recovery is the idea that we must work with another addict or alcoholic to maintain sobriety. Bill Wilson, co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, realized early in his sobriety that his cravings for alcohol seemed to dissipate when he turned his attention to helping another person suffering from alcoholism. Alcoholics…

Help Yourself by Helping Others

The 12th step of Alcoholics Anonymous states: “Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs”. As men and women who have experiences the joys of sobriety, we choose to share our experience, strength, and hope with…