A New and Deadly Designer Drug

Phenethylamines are a large class of drugs that act as central nervous stimulants in humans. Bromo-DragonFLY is a potent hallucinogenic drug related to the phenethylamine family. The drug is highly toxic and has been responsible for at least five deaths. The new drug is highly dangerous and can easily cause overdose symptoms that include seizures…

Are Psychedelics Safe?

Psychedelic drugs have recently entered the spotlight because of their potential effectiveness in treating certain mental health disorders. However, it is important to understand that the new research into psychedelics is taking place in clinical settings and under the supervision of therapists and medical professionals. Psychedelics encompass a broad range of different psychoactive substances. Some…

IV Drug Use and Endocarditis

Intravenous (IV) drug use carries a great amount of risk of overdose and severe health consequences. One major health problem linked with IV drug use is bacterial infection. Bacteria can enter into the body via a dirty needle and cause severe infections that require immediate medical attention. In some cases, bacteria can spread through the…

Will I Feel Better After Detox?

Detoxification is the process of allowing the body to remove any and all traces of drugs and alcohol. Many people are familiar with feelings of withdrawal, especially if they are coming off of harder drugs like heroin that cause extreme physical dependence. However, medical staff are able to address and treat symptoms of withdrawal as…