Can I Quit ‘Cold Turkey’?

Many people are unwilling to go to treatment for drug and alcohol detoxification. They believe that they would be more comfortable detoxifying at home without assistance. There is also the factor of social stigma and people may fear that entering into treatment would lead to a loss of respect from others. While it is important…

Opening Up About Addiction

The decision to seek help for addiction is the most important decision we will ever make. There are many psychological blocks that keep us from taking this vital step toward recovery. We often feel too ashamed or guilty to admit that we have a problem and open up about our struggles. Yet, once we are…

The Increasing Rates of Xanax Abuse and Addiction

Although overshadowed by the growing opioid epidemic, the rates of benzodiazepine abuse in the United States have skyrocketed. Often, benzodiazepines are taken along with alcohol, opioids, or other depressants, causing a potentially lethal combination of substances. Many people look to the pharmaceutical industry to blame or the media and entertainment for introducing a younger generation…

Is Willpower Enough to Achieve Sobriety?

Many people view the disease model of addiction with skepticism. They may assume that people who are addicted to drugs are making the conscious decision to continue using simply because they enjoy the feeling. In the beginning stages of drug use, this may be true. However, as addiction develops, it entirely changes the brain in…

Why Should I Pray and Meditate?

Prayer and meditation are suggested in the 12-step program of recovery. However, they an be effective tools regardless of what recovery program we choose to follow. Although prayer and meditation sound like religious practices, we can benefit from them whether we are religious or not. The great thing about prayer and meditation is that they…