Ending the Day in Sobriety

Addiction is never cured. Overcoming the disease requires consistent mental and spiritual maintenance. Our nights are yet another time to exercise the recovery practices we have learned as a means of ensuring our sobriety in the day to come. We take the opportunity before we go to bed to bolster our spiritual connection and commitment…

When is it Time to Reach Out for Help?

Addiction is a complex disease that is chronic, progressive, and often fatal if left untreated. One of the defining characteristics of addiction is a lack of power over drugs and alcohol, or an inability to stop using despite negative consequences. There is no “right time” to seek help for addiction, as our disease has often…

The Controversy Over Opioid Maintenance Medications

Arguments abound over whether drugs like suboxone and methadone are more effective in treating addiction that abstinence-based treatment and recovery programs. The controversy, it seems, revolves around two factors: mortality rates and quality of life. The medical community recognizes that opioid maintenance medications reduce the risk of death in opioid-dependent users, while abstinence-based treatment recognizes…

What is Dual Diagnosis?

Many men and women enter into treatment suffering from more than just addiction. There are often underlying mental health concerns that must be addressed if they are to overcome their problems with alcohol and drugs. Dual Diagnosis is a term used when a person suffers from both addiction and a mental health problem simultaneously, regardless…

How Dangerous is Synthetic Marijuana?

Synthetic marijuana has grown in recent years as a major public health danger. There seem to be constant news stories about deaths or serious health problems tied to using synthetic forms of marijuana. The process of creating the chemicals used to mimic the effects of marijuana is often unregulated and unresearched. Using these products can…