What is Cocaethylene?

Many men and women struggling with addiction use more than one substance, and often combine different substances to achieve a stronger high. Many users are unaware of the interactions that can be caused by mixing two or more different substances. Cocaine and alcohol are two substances that, when combined, can be extremely dangerous and potentially…

Can I Detox on My Own?

Many people feel that they would more comfortable going through the detox process alone and in their own home. However, self-detoxification is an extremely dangerous prospect and it is highly suggested that an individual enters into a treatment facility and receive medical supervision throughout the process. Withdrawal from certain substances can cause major health complication,…

Finding Freedom in Sobriety

Addiction is a disease that controls our lives entirely. Where we go, what we do, who we surround ourselves with, all become dictated by our disease. We often come to a point where we feel trapped. No matter how hard we try, our addiction and perceived need for intoxication pulls us into a seemingly inescapable…

How Dangerous is Alcohol?

Alcohol may be presumed a safe form of intoxication based on its legal status. However, alcohol is the third leading cause of preventable death in the United States. An estimated 88,000 men and women due from alcohol-related causes each year. Alcohol lowers inhibitions and cognitive functions, making intoxicated people more likely to engage in reckless…

What are the Health Dangers of DXM?

Dextromethorphan (DXM) is a synthetic drug used as a cough suppressant in many over-the-counter medications. When used at recommended dosage levels, DXM has few adverse effects. DXM is subject to abuse, however, and causes a variety of severe side effects at higher doses. DXM abuse carries a high risk of potential health consequences to both…