Does 12-Step Recovery Actually Work?

12-Step recovery programs focus on the development and maintenance of a spiritual awakening and psychic change as a means of recovering from addiction and alcoholism. By having the vital spiritual experience through working the 12 Steps, an individual’s motivation, desires, and thinking changes—one is no longer interested in drugs or alcohol, and instead focuses on…

Can I Detox at Home?

Detox is one of the first steps toward a life of sobriety. It is the process of detoxifying the body of all traces of drugs or alcohol. Chronic drug and alcohol use can lead to physical dependence, and if we are to recover from addiction we must go through the process of detox, no matter…

Paint Over Stress and Anxiety!

Painting can be an effective way to eliminate stress and improve your overall mood. Art therapy, which includes painting and other forms of creative artistic expression, is a therapeutic practice utilizing art and creativity as a way of managing emotions and other mental issues. Making use of art therapy can be a great and fun…

Do I Need a Higher Power?

The term “Higher Power” can be confusing for newcomers to 12-Step recovery. Upon first hearing the term, it is easy to equate it with “God” and religion. The concept of a Higher Power, however, is far removed from and religious associations. A Higher Power simply means finding belief in something greater than yourself—it can be…

Does Acupuncture Actually Work?

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese healing technique that has been used for over 3,000 years. At first glance, acupuncture may seem like a strange and pseudoscientific way of treating ailments. The practice has grown in popularity in recent years, with nearly 2.5 million Americans reporting they have received acupuncture in the previous year, for one…