What Do You Gain By Being Sober?

  Suffering from addiction can be one of the hardest things a person goes through.  Life doesn’t come with a manual.  Sometimes we can steer off the road and get lost, but the path of sobriety allows us to find our way back.  On this new road, you will learn many things.  Sobriety doesn’t just…

Do You Need Someone To Hold You Accountable?

  Addiction is a disease of the mind.  It causes obsessive thoughts and makes you act compulsively, despite knowing the consequences of such behaviors.  A person in the depths of their addiction lacks responsibility for their actions.  They think all their problems are someone else’s fault.  Now that you’ve decided to get clean and sober,…

Can You Be a High Functioning Addict?

  When you picture a drug addict you may picture someone living on the streets, in trouble with the law, stealing to feed their addiction, and generally hopeless. What about the drug addict that still has a stable job, a home, a family, and decent health? Can you be a drug addict that hasn’t yet…

a woman learning about emotional healing in addiction recovery in nature

Emotional Healing In Addiction Recovery

How can someone avoid addiction relapse? By knowing and planning for the stages of relapse: emotional, mental, and physical. Self-care is the biggest step toward emotional healing in addiction recovery. It may sound like jargon, but it’s actually a meticulous therapeutic process made up of lots of small, calculated steps. When you’re stressed, frustration, or…

Are You Afraid Of Success?

Self-sabotage is part of the experience of addiction. Every time an addict earnestly attempts to recover, then makes up a story of why they couldn’t recover, shouldn’t recover, or why using is better than recovering, they are sabotaging their opportunity to recover. Once they pick up a drug or a drink again, the sabotage is…