Thinking about or committing suicide are very real dangers that strike those suffering from the disease of addiction and alcoholism more than the general population. People often assume that early death from addiction will be the result of overdose or health complications directly resulting from substance abuse, but don’t consider the increased risk of suicide that stems from the emotional symptoms of addiction and alcoholism. Individuals struggling with addiction or alcoholism are nearly six times more likely to attempt suicide than the general population. According to Dr. Carolyn C. Ross, in a 2014 Psychology today article, Suicide: One of Addiction’s Hidden Risks, “Substance abuse not only increases the likelihood that a person will take their own life, but it is also used as a means for committing suicide. Roughly one in three people who die from suicide are under the influence of drugs, typically opiates such as oxycodone or heroin, or alcohol. Poisoning is the third-leading method used in suicide deaths, and drugs make up 75 percent of suicide deaths due to poisoning.” In fact, research shows that the strongest predictor of suicide is not a psychiatric diagnosis—it is alcoholism. The increased risk factors for suicide or suicidal ideation may come from higher rates of depression and mental health conditions among those suffering from addiction or the growing consequences of an individual’s drug use. Dr. Ross explains, “Abusing drugs, especially depressants such as alcohol or sedatives, can also trigger symptoms of depression, increasing the risk of suicide. As the consequences of addiction pile up, from legal problems and damaged relationships to financial ruin and job loss, individuals may lose all hope that things can get better. For some, it starts to seem like there are only two paths to relief: spiraling back into drug use or death.” It is easy for one to believe that their situation is hopeless. They have often unsuccessfully attempted to achieve sobriety, and feel caught in a vicious cycle of substance abuse, worsening depression, and life consequences. The cycle can be broke, however, and recovery is possible by seeking help now. Many men and women who have successfully recovered can remember a time when they believed they were trapped in addiction and death was the only way out. Now, these men and women lead lives of happiness and freedom in sobriety—al because they made the decision to seek help. If you are having thoughts of harming yourself, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800- 273-8255
Your story can be one of redemption and recovery. You can seek help today and begin building a brighter future in sobriety. Oceanfront Recovery, a treatment center in beautiful Laguna Beach, offers cutting-edge treatment techniques and methodologies to give you all the tools needed to achieve sobriety and begin living a healthy, happy life. For more information about individualized treatment options, please call today: (877) 279-1777